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Don't be afraid of the scale numbers

 Don't be afraid of the scale numbers

Don't be afraid of the numbers on the scale

Some people are characterized by increased bone weight and increased muscle weight, and this is a blessing from God because large fats are lightweight. Obesity is an increase in the energy entering the body over the energy expended, which leads to an increase in the percentage of fat in the body and thus the occurrence of obesity. A woman’s body contains 20-25% fat, and if the percentage of fat exceeds 25% of the total body weight, she is considered obese. As for a man, The percentage of fat in his body is equal to 20% of his weight, and if it exceeds that, he is considered obese. The percentage of fat in the body can be measured using a special device available in sports clubs and nutritionists. Overeating and the inability to control and control appetite are among the main causes of obesity. Also, preventing oneself and depriving oneself of wholesome, beneficial food generates an urgent desire to eat and extreme bulimia, and with the many attempts to lose weight and following harsh nutritional programs, adverse reactions may result that are harmful to health in addition to Not reaching the important goal of losing weight. It must be noted that the process of losing weight requires more than just trying to abstain from eating and practicing vigorous exercise, as it requires a serious attempt to change bad eating habits and bring about a psychological change in which the role of eating in our lives changes from an end to a means. A healthy body and beautiful figure are a simple requirement in a world searching for fitness, beauty, health and longevity.
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